Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where should we go today?

Life brings changes on a daily basis. Are you part of the change, or part of the lag behind? You are your own vehicle, driving through life and experiencing transformations. Do you drive with the windows down, breathing in fresh air, or sit in stale recirculation? Have you ever fell into a pothole and just watched all the cars go by?

We don’t have to lead the traffic every day. Some days we can draft another car to help us through the day. Sometimes we need to take the slow lane, it may take us longer to get to the next stop, but we WILL get there. We have the option to pass others, but if we go too fast, we can get held back and even pay a fee for trying to go too fast. If we are lucky enough to have multiple people on board, we can take the car pool lane and enjoy the ride with others.

Where should we go today?

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