Friday, May 13, 2016

I got to put my head out the window today.

I got to put my head out the window today.  Not too far, thanks to those safety windows that seem to be standard in all cars these days.  You wouldn’t think I know too much about cars, but I do.  See, when I am sitting in my lawn and cars go screaming by, I see the back seat with the kids screaming and the lucky dogs hanging their heads up. It seems 13 years ago when I saw those dogs; they were hanging out a little more than today. Anyway, today I got to put my head out the window and it was heaven.
I knew when we pulled into the parking lot that it was going to be one of THOSE visits.  There may be a butt to smell or a kitty to make fun of in their crates being carried by their human.  But no amount of butts would be enough to make me forget where we were.  This is the place they stick their fingers in my booty and make liquid come out.  It HURTS.  I will say it does feel better after it is done, but just thinking about it makes me back my booty into a corner.  The smells are a bit of heaven and hell.  I can smell all those other dogs that were here.  I can smell their sickness.  I can smell their anxiety.  There always seems to be a twinge of human anxiety too.  Not sure what they are worked up about, it is us that get the fingers in the booty. 
Todays visit was different from the beginning.  Mom was eager to get me out of the backseat, yet I could smell fear on her.  I didn’t want to get out of the car because of that fear. What did she know?  I wanted NO part of it.  She actually scooped me up and put me down on the parking lot.  Wow mom, I didn’t think you had it in you. 
I will say, I like this new human that seems to always be here when I am.  She looks at me with the kindest eyes and lets me sniff her and lick her a bit.  She tastes good. A little like all the other dogs, but overall I can taste the niceness.  She makes me feel better about being here.  She wants to see in my mouth.  I cant stand anyone looking in my mouth.  I don’t let her.  I hope she isn’t mad.  She doesn’t smell mad, she seems to have a little of that fear smell my mom does today.  Another human comes into the room.  I know what this means. This is the ultimate tag team. I know I can’t win against both of these humans, so I finally just let them look.  Why is she shining that light in my mouth.  WOW, it is so bright and warm.  She must like what she sees because she asks MY human to look too.  I feel like a Picasso on a wall.  Everyone wants to look at me.  Fabulous. Wait.  Fear.  Sadness.  What is wrong with my momma human.  She is almost frozen with her fear.  I was good, momma, I swear.  I didn’t do anything wrong.  Maybe she knows about the cat toy I found and attacked.  That toy had it coming, it was all smelly like dirt.  Not sure why that kitten gets all glassy eyed with that toy, it isn’t normal.  So, I helped out and took care of that toy, it will never be seen again.  I helped!
My mom is leaving me here.  Why?  A field trip without momma tagging along?  She is sad.  I need to be near her, she is sad.  But instead I go along with this new human, to a room with so many kennels.  Why are the other bootys and kitties in these cages.  They don’t smell good.  Sickness.   I don’t like it here.  I want to go back home to my comfy beds and that human that is always smiling at me.  I don’t seem to hear her anymore, she really should talk louder.  But I smell her.  I feel her always touching me.  She massages my neck and back all the time.  Oh how I wish I was with her right now.  I am sleepy now. 

Cold.  I am so cold.  I can barely open my eyes.  Lifting up up up.  Wait, why are they lifting me up.  I would like to just sleep here.  Ah, my Humans!  Why do they look so sad?  If I get to go back home with them, I will go along with this, I will even try to stand up.  I can’t really feel my legs though.  Urgh, did THAT just happen?  My poo just fell out, I think.  I am so embarrassed.  I purposely don’t do that near my humans.  I even try to use the neighbor’s yard when I do have to go, just so it isn’t near us.  It can stay here, with the sickness, I don’t even care at this point.  I just want to go home.  Still so sleepy.
Here we are, all comfy on my bed.  I still can’t get up though.  My mouth, dang, that hurts. What did that sickness place do to me as I slept?  It hurts to breathe.  Thank you human for putting a little water in my mouth, that is nice.  But it hurts.  A lot.  My legs, I can’t move them.  Actually, I can’t really move anything other than my head a little. My humans keep looking at me with sadness.   I wish they could make this pain go away.  My human is so sad.  She keeps leaking from her eyes.  I would usually lick them for her but I can’t move.  Come on other human, help her.  I can’t, so you should! Ah my young human is here.  I would like to lay next to him and cuddle.  He has grown so much.  There was a time I could outrun him, now look at him.  This is nice; he is curled next to me and sharing my bed. I see his mouth moving.  He is another one that really needs to speak up. I miss his smell and his smiles.  I am happy.  He isn’t happy though.  More sadness.  All these humans are so sad. 
 I must have fallen asleep there for a minute. I swear I just saw that cat that used to live in our house a few years ago.  Why was he calling me? My strong human was carrying me to the car and I just fell asleep for a minute.  He has dropped to his knees, don’t drop me!   OK, back to the house we go.  Look at this, my breathing slowed down a bit.  I feel all tingly.  Oh momma human, she is curled up next to me. I like this.  Maybe she won’t be as sad anymore if we keep cuddling.  There is that cat again, he keeps calling me.  I have a bone to pick with him anyway. He had that sickness smell for a long time then he just left and didn’t come home.  He made my momma human cry, A LOT.  She wouldn’t stop for days.  I am going to tell him how unbearable it was for the rest of us.  I need to tell him how a new kitty came to live at our house.  This little grey thing is a pistol.  She is always chasing my tail or running up to me and patting her paws at me.  Super annoying.  Yeah, I think I need to tell that old cat what he did here. 

Back to my humans.  They are so sad.  I think it is probably best if I just hold my breath a little bit and maybe I can fall asleep again.  Let’s try it.  BOOM.  Oh no, I just made momma human really upset.  I want to lick her but I can’t move.  I am getting pretty sleepy though. I may not even have to hold my breath, I can just fall asleep.  Yeah, I am tired; I think it is time to sleep.  When I wake up I hope my humans are happy again and I can move.  Maybe I can put my head out the car window again!

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