Monday, May 13, 2013

Dear mom on Mother's Day

Dear mom,

I was blessed to have celebrated 23 years of Mother’s Days with you, but I can’t say that I remember the details of each year. Sadly, I can remember the all the years we didn’t get to share the day together. For this year, you are getting a very special gift – A Daughter-in-law! With having one son, this is the only DIL you will have. I know you would love her and the way she has mel...ted in with all of us.

I am thankful the wedding is Mother’s Day weekend because I can focus on this gift to you, and not your empty seat. I know you will be with us all day Saturday and I can’t wait to feel/hear/see the signs you send us to make your presence known. If at all possible, please help your daughters to keep dry eyes that day. Tears of Joy are so bittersweet, and they can really ruin photographs!

As always, I love & miss you.

Your “babykin”,

Kristina Robin